Our Shark Champions

AMCS and HSI are two organisations that share the same goal: to protect our precious oceans. Sharks and rays are an integral part of that protection. We believe that the best way to do this is through systemic reform.

Since establishing the Shark Champion community, we’ve mobilised over 60,000 people to advocate for sharks by asking for changes to fishing rules, government policies, and environmental laws. And it’s working.

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Shark Champion Wins So Far:

Securing a “Net Free” Great Barrier Reef by 2027

Including saving an estimated one half of all sharks caught in the Reef's waters by the end of 2023 and giving critically endangered sawfish a fighting chance at recovery.

All hammerhead species protected from targeted fishing in Queensland-managed waters from 2024

Complementing 'no-take' rules in New South Wales, scalloped and great hammerheads are saved from fishing in for the first time in along the east coast of Australia.

Securing a national approach in 2023 to stopping illegal live shark finning in Australian waters

With ‘Fins Naturally Attached’ in all Australian shark fisheries as of 2022.

Securing Queensland's first-ever drone trials as non-lethal shark bite mitigation tools in 2020

The use of drones was the first significant change to Queensland Government's culling program since its inception over 60 years ago in 1962.

Removing 12 of 19 species from the Queensland shark cull ‘Target List’ in 2023.

Operators kill any listed species found alive by shooting them. The list previously included species with no unprovoked bites, such as great hammerheads.

Protecting 17,500km of Western Australian coastline from shark fishing in 2018

Threatened species afforded this additional protection include grey nurse sharks, white sharks, school sharks and smooth hammerheads.

Become a Shark Champion today.

Join us and over 60,000 Shark Champions in tackling the issues sharks and rays are currently facing in Australian waters. Be a voice for precious marine life by calling on our elected leaders to give our endangered sharks and rays the protections they desperately need.

When it comes to sharks, we are their biggest threat but also their only hope. Become a Shark Champion today.

AMCS and HSI Shark Wins Over the Years:

Securing the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage Area in 1982 (AMCS)

The Reef provides safe haven for at least 38 species of shark and ray from fishing.

Queensland Government's shark cull program (HSI)

Since 2018, the landmark court ruling prohibits the culling of sharks in the Great Barrier Reef.

Live shark finning is made illegal in Australia (AMCS)

'Finning' is the act of cutting off a sharks fins at sea and dumping its body overboard. Sharks can still be processed on land for their fins.

Ground-breaking global protection from trade for Great White Sharks (HSI)

White sharks are successfully listed under the convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna And Flora (CITES) is granted (HSI)

Ningaloo Reef Marine Park has sanctuary zones declared in one-third of the Park, including a listing as a World Heritage Area in 2011 (AMCS)

Ningaloo reef is world-famous whale sharks and mantas, and a home to rich diversity of sharks and rays.